
The High Capacity Drum Diffuser (DD) consist of extruded aluminum blades mounted inside a rotatable drum to produce long air throws with a high degree of directional control.

Typical Applications

The DD provides long throws to supply air to spaces that cannot be served by ductwork and conventional outlets due to structural or architectural restrictions. This makes the DD ideal for use in warehouses, factories, stadiums, or any large enclosed space. For demanding environments such as industrial plants, or areas where corrosion resistance is necessary, an all stainless steel option is available.

Cylindrical core installed in frame, which allows to adjust air pattern +-300 horizontally the blade which is located  cylindrical core allows to adjust the air pattern vertically

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The High Capacity Drum Diffuser (DD) consist of extruded aluminum blades mounted inside a rotatable drum to produce long air throws with a high degree of directional control.

Typical Applications

The DD provides long throws to supply air to spaces that cannot be served by ductwork and conventional outlets due to structural or architectural restrictions. This makes the DD ideal for use in warehouses, factories, stadiums, or any large enclosed space. For demanding environments such as industrial plants, or areas where corrosion resistance is necessary, an all stainless steel option is available.

Cylindrical core installed in frame, which allows to adjust air pattern +-300 horizontally the blade which is located  cylindrical core allows to adjust the air pattern vertically


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